Behold my latest obsession – Todd Porter and Diane Cu‘s first cookbook, Bountiful: Recipes Inspired by Our Garden. It’s filled with wonderful photographs, recipes and stories. I’m giving away a copy since I think everyone should own it. And here’s why:
Amongst the gorgeous photographs, taken by Diane and Todd, you’ll read heartfelt stories from this girl from Vietnam and boy from a cattle ranch in Oregon. You’ll read about they built their food life together and about their beautiful garden, their favorite recipes, and how they love to share all of this with everyone around them.
You’ll also get to know their awesome dogs, Sierra and Lexi.
You’ll learn how to master some of my favorite recipes of theirs like Homemade Sriracha (chile hot sauce).
Then there’s the recipe for Meyer Lemon-Iced Brown Butter Madeleines which I baked here.
And the addictive and awesomely named Sweet Onion Crack Dip.
And the healthy and beautifully colored Olive Oil–Baked Beet Chips with sea salt and black pepper.
And the exquisitely crisp Heirloom Tomato Galette.
Trust me. You’ll be inspired to invite friends over as you read about how they love to nurture the people around them by sharing their scrumptious homecooked meals.
How To Enter This Easy & Awesome Giveaway:
No purchase necessary.
(1) Sign in to the giveaway box below, making sure to add your email so I know how to contact you if you’re a winner; and
(2) Enter a comment in the comments section below about which of the above recipes you can’t wait to try out; and
(3) Earn additional entries (i.e. more chances to win!) by “liking” the Perfect Morsel Facebook page here. For those of you who have already liked the page before, no fear – you’ll get an additional entry automatically.
Good luck!
The giveaway has ended. Congratulations to Kiy S.! Thank you all for participating. Stay tuned for another awesome giveaway that I’m getting ready to launch.
Vyasar says
Hi, I’m Vyasar. I just started reading your blog on the suggestion of a friend who knows you, and I’m working on a book about Indian food in America, and I want to win this cookbook!
Is that too many ands?
Anjali says
Hi Vyasar! Thank you for commenting. There are never too many ands. 😉 I can’t wait to read your book about Indian food in America. Good luck with that and the giveaway!
Joanna F says
Those Madeleines look wonderful, perfect way to use winter citrus!
Anjali says
Thank you! You said it well – it really is great way to use winter citrus.
manda says
The homemade Sriracha
Natalie Sheikh says
The homemade sririacha sauce for sure, and I need to see what’s in the sweet onion crack dip, I could live off dips! I love this site. My husband is from Pakistan and I was introduced to the most amazing cuisine when I married him, dhal especially has become one of my favourite dishes. I always made it a certain way and it tasted good but not quite as good as I’d get in Indian/Pakistani restaurants. The recipe you shared on here is just the most PERFECT recipe and exactly what I was looking for, I doubled the recipe and finished it in less than 2 days! I will make my dhal like this all the time now, so thank you for that! Great giveaway too
Anjali says
Thanks, Natalie! You just made my day. I’m so happy to hear you like the lentil recipe. It’s one of my favorites and I cook it every week now. Maybe dhal with a little homemade sriracha sauce? 😉 Good luck with the giveaway!
Shannon Baas says
I like the heirloom tomato galette.
Diane F says
I want to try the Sweet Onion Crack Dip
alyce poalillo says
I love heirloom tomatoes so the Heirloom Tomato Galette would be a real treat for me.
Christine says
Olive Oil–Baked Beet Chips with sea salt and black pepper
Stephanie Galbraith says
The Meyer Lemon-Iced Brown Butter Madeleines look amazing!
Tamar says
The sweet onion crack dip.
michael stier says
if only i had a personal chef! but since i do not, i’ll have to be inspired by your thoughtful writing and lovely photos.
Projit says
Sriracha and baked beet chips.
Deon van Schalkwyk says
Hi such a wonderful review and wonderful giveaway! I have this book on my amazon wish list! X
Michelle B says
I really would love to try those beet chips!! Beautiful cookbook!
Elvina says
What’s a girl to do?! I think that if I had to choose, I would like to try the heirloom galette. Followed by the beet chips and lastly, the Meyer Lemon Madeleines. Well, that was easy!
Amy C says
The Sweet Onion Crack Dip looks absolutely delicious! So great for the cold weather to cozy up and dip the bread with the tasty sauce~ Such amazing cookbook with stunning photography! Thank you so much for the giveaway~
Mari U says
Would love to try the sweet onion crack dip!
Sandy Headtke says
The sweet onion crack dip
Julia says
I’ve always been intrigued by your Meyer Lemon recipes, as well as the pictures that go along with them. So I’d have to vote for Meyer Lemmon-Iced Brown Butter Madeleines! But quite honestly, pictures of Lexi and Sierra are almost as much fun as trying new recipes! Love them!
Meryl says
Those baked beet chips–yum! Thanks for hosting!
Christine says
The sweet onion crack dip sounds divine! I’d make that first so I have something to much on while I browse the rest of the book!
Tihomir says
Hope I win!
Rosemarie Dura says
Changing diet needs in the family. Need ideas & recipies for healthy vegan eating. Recipies andpictures are so amazing and make me want to try them .
Rosemarie Dura says
I would start off with the tomato galette. This looks so fresh and I think it is a beautiful easy dish that would please my gealrh consious crowd.
Rosemarie Dura says
I would start off with the tomato galette. This recipe looks so fresh and easy. It seems satisfying and would surely please my health conscious crowd. Such clarity in the pictures. They really capture the beauty of the recipes.
Jen says
Definitely the sriracha! Love me some spice.
Rosemarie Dura says
I grow heirloom tomatoes and the tomato galette would be perfect for me to try. Always looking for healthy delicious ideas.
Deborah Kuprunas says
I grew up in Philadelphia. Back in the day(80’s), while I was learning my craft as a classical vocalist, I was blessed to work at small charming cafes that roasted their own coffee beans, made amazing bread and pastry, and beautifully presented bistro plated food. There was always art, music and poetry. And owners who were willing to teach their staff their skills. I never forgot those precious adventures. Many good memories. I am a late bloomer in my own kitchen now. My favorite spice is saffron. I grow my own squash blossoms and other edible flowers. I work under the table as a barista, sommelier, and assistant baker and haunt the farmer’s markets and local farms on my down time. I discovered Perfect Morsel in the early morning during a coastal storm in north central Florida, a small seaside village, fogged in–could not sleep because the wind was clattering shutters, and sheets of fast moving rain louder than the ocean surf. So, I am preparing lovingly, baked apples and your turmeric milk recipe. I have found exciting adventures in rediscovering my food creativity, which is out of it’s dormancy. The Bountiful Cookbook sounds like the perfect food dharma to study from! Kindest Regards, Deborah Kuprunas
Anjali says
Hi Deborah, Thank you for your lovely comment and for sharing your love of food. Saffron is amazing! But I have yet to share a recipe on the site using it. I’ll have to do so soon. I hope you enjoyed the apple tart and turmeric milk. They’re some of my favorites. Looking forward to hearing from you again. Good luck with the giveaway!
Athena R says
Heirloom tomato galette
Florence says
I want to try them all!!!!=)
Margaret Rizzuto says
Surely, picking one from all these great recipes is the hardest part of the contest but I’m going with Meyer Lemon-Iced Brown Butter Madeleines!
Michelle Wooderson says
Oh that Sweet Onion Crack Dip is just spoken of so much. I must try it. I am a huge gardener and this cookbook has been on my wish list for a long time. Thank you for the chance to win! Now off to check out your site.
Laura Zak says
There are so many I want to try! I think I’ll start with the Madeleines and go from there.
Kiy says
The Heirloom Tomato Galette was the photo that brought me here. Oh, that looks amazing. However, the Sweet Onion Crack Dip has me drooling! Thank you for offering such a nice giveaway.
Chi says
Homemade sriracha!
Shelley J H says
What a beautiful book. I am an avid cookbook collector and this one has georgous photos and really must try recipes. I want to try the heirloom tomato galette and the Meyer lemon Madeline’s first I think then work my way through. It is a hope of mine to publish a beautiful book of my own one day. Congratulations to you on a wonderful accomplishment.
Devon Hernandez says
I need this book in my life!! I am excited for the sweet onion crack dip, but I think my husband might lose his sh*t if I made him homemade sriracha sauce! Thank you so much for the giveaway.
Cheryl Schuh says
I am in awe of the beet chips. And then the Crack Onion Dip.
Sarah says
I’d have to go with the crisp heirloom tomato galette!
Allison (Spontaneous Tomato) says
I’d try the homemade sriracha recipe first!
Marla says
The sweet onion crack dip sounds amazing!
Pamela Whitman says
I’ve already made the Sweet Onion Crack dip. It was wonderful. The Tomato Galette looks terrific!
I hope I only entered once. I was having difficulty with the entry site.
Joanne Sherif says
Crack dip for sure!
raizy says
I’d definitely try the heirloom tomato galette! I’m obsessed with galettes!
Gesa Zoellinger says
Most definitely the heirloom galette. This looks divine!
Steph says
Gloria R, says
What delicious looking recipes and then you ask which one I would try first? I really, really had to think about that but I finally decided I’d like to try the Heirloom Tomato Galette. I love tomatoes and we have been growing heirlooms for the past 5 years. They may not last quite as long as the others if they set on the counter, but our’s are used very quickly and the flavor is so much better,
Thank you for offering this beautiful cookbook as a give away.
deana c says
I would first try the recipe for Meyer Lemon-Iced Brown Butter Madeleines.
Samantha says
I want to try the Heirloom Tomato Galette! It looks really good!
Lindsay McCain says
I would try the Sweet Onion Crack Dip.
susan smoaks says
i want to try the Olive Oil–Baked Beet Chips with sea salt and black pepper
Jaime Cummings says
The sweet onion crack dip sounds the best to me!
Leanne G says
I’d like to try the Heirloom Tomato Galette.
Laurie Emerson says
It is hard to choose as they all look so good. I think I would try the Meyer Lemon-Iced Brown Butter Madeleines first though as I have such a sweet tooth!
Daniel M says
the exquisitely crisp Heirloom Tomato Galette looks good
Sand says
I would like to try the Meyer Lemon-Iced Brown Butter Madeleines.
Beth (OMG! Yummy) says
The madeleines! Love meyer lemons and love madeleines!
Beth (OMG! Yummy) says
P.S. I liked your facebook page as well!