Julienne (joo-lee-EHN) is a French word for cutting food into thin long strips or “matchsticks” using a knife or a mandoline. This technique is often used with vegetables to add texture to a dish and to ensure even cooking. From what I can tell, the origins and story of this technique are unclear. Some say it was invented by a French Chef, Jean Julien, who created a clear soup garnished with thin strips of vegetables. The first known use of the term in print, however, is said to be in a book published in 1722 and authored by a French chef who was the Master Chef to various royalty, including Louis XIV.
I recently took a knife skills class at The Brooklyn Kitchen and wanted to share a quick, step-by-step, description of how to julienne two ingredients I often use in my kitchen – ginger and scallions. You can also see how I cook with them in a favorite recipe of Steamed Whole Fish with Ginger and Scallions.
Scallions (aka Green Onions)

Step 1: Start by trimming the root end and the top 1 inch of the dark-green end and by peeling the outer-most layer of the scallion. Rinse to remove any dirt and then pat dry with a paper towel. Using a sharp knife, cut each scallion into 1/3 pieces or approximately 2 inches in length.

Step 2: Halve each piece of scallion lengthwise to create a flat side.
Step 3: Placing each piece with its flat side down, cut lengthwise into thin even slivers or “matchsticks”.
Result: Voila!

Step 1: Start by peeling a 2 inch square piece of ginger using a sharp knife. Trim each end to create a flat surface to rest the ginger on.
Step 2: Cut the ginger into long thin slices lengthwise.
Step 3: Stack the ginger slices.
Step 4: Thinly cut down the row of ginger slices to make thin even slivers or “matchsticks”.
Result: Voila!
You can use this technique on all sorts of vegetables and meats. Just remember to use a sharp knife, create a flat surface, break down the ingredient into thin strips and then cut it further into thin slivers. It’s easy and makes for a good looking dish. Stay tuned for more knife techniques.
kristine s says
These photos are gorgeous! I think I would surely loose a finger or two if I attempted to Julienne cut anything!
Anjali says
Thank you, Kristine! Lol. I promise you won’t lose a finger. It’s so simple. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
Cat Knight says
Thanks, and I will try that. Nothing beats a perfectly balanced and very sharp knife!
Btw, your photography is beautiful , looks like the scallions are standing on air (but we know you had to drop them from the ceiling and catch them as they were falling… ) ;>
Anjali says
Thank you, Cat! Ha! They’re actually arranged on a cutting board. But you’re making me wish I had such Matrix-like moves.