Walnuts: 6 Benefits + Giveaway

Walnuts Benefits Giveaway

I’ll admit, I’ve been mildly obsessed with walnuts.

In the past few weeks, I’ve been slipping these butterfly-shaped nuts into many of my meals or simply snacking on a handful as an afternoon treat. It all began when I tried to recreate a Walnut Pesto pasta I had eaten on a recent trip to Italy. The fact that they’re not only seriously delicious but are nutritional powerhouses, makes it even easier for me to add them to my meals. And since I’ve been loving them so much, I wanted to give one of you wonderful readers a chance to indulge in my obsession. I’m giving away walnuts that were generously sent to me by the California Walnut Board which I’ve placed in a lovely Italian glass jar that would make any kitchen counter happy.


You can add the walnuts to your pastas, salads, sauces, desserts and so much more. The choices are somewhat endless. But before we get to the giveaway, here’s a quick glimpse into what makes them so incredibly healthy.

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Walnuts have a high level of plant-based omega-3 essential fatty acids, which makes them unique among nuts. These fatty acids are essential for cell growth, cognitive functions, immune functions, and are anti-inflammatory. Since our body cannot make them on their own, they need to be acquired through diet.

2. Diabetes: Walnuts can help reduce the risk of diabetes as they may help in regulating insulin sensitivity. This reason is personal to me since my Dad has had adult-onset diabetes for many years, and I’m always looking for ways to make him feel better.

3. Protein: In addition to antioxidants and Omega-3s, walnuts are packed with proteins and lots of fiber. This is particularly good for days when I want to eat a vegetarian diet.

4. Vitamins & Minerals: Walnuts contain a large amount of vitamins B6 and E, and are rich in minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and iron. All of which are great for a healthy body.

5. Cholesterol: To my surprise, walnuts are cholesterol free and they are actually often recommended for lowering cholesterol.

6. Stress: They may also help the body deal with stress better by regulating blood pressure. Who can’t do with a little less stress, eh?

NOTE: Before embarking on a similar obsession as mine, I ask that you consult with your doctor, eat everything in moderation, and make sure you do not have any nut allergies. After all, I’m trying to be decadent here, not deadly!

Hermetic Jar Walnuts

Ok – enough reading, let’s get you closer to eating!

How To Enter This Easy Giveaway:
(1) Sign in to the giveaway box below, (2) add your email so I know how to contact you if you’re a winner, and (3) add a comment below like “Hi!” or “Yum!”. That’s it!

It ends Friday, June 13, 2014 at 11:59PM EST. I do not store, share or sell your information to anyone. No purchase necessary. Good luck!

(NOTE: There was a glitch in the Rafflecopter system, therefore I’ve extended the giveaway by a couple of days.)

The giveaway has ended. Congratulations to Alice M.! Thank you all for participating. Stay tuned for another awesome giveaway that I’m getting ready to launch in a couple of weeks.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Otilia Martinez says

    I love walnuts in general, but I especially like to top my oatmeal with walnuts and cranberries. Yummy!

  2. Amy says

    YUM! My favorite nut! Ask my co-workers, all they ever hear me talk about is how I love nuts and how healthy they are! :)

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